An image of fireworks to celebrate your achievements.Connecting Reading and Writing


  • Celebrate your learning achievements
  • Think about your learning preferences

The end of a school year is a time to celebrate the great things you have accomplished.

Today, look back over the learning you have done this year. Make a list:

  • What books and other texts did you read and enjoy?
  • What kinds of things did you write about?

From your list, choose two or three things you think best represent your learning.

Write a short note explaining why you chose each thing you selected.
Here are some sentence starters that might help you:

  • This shows I learned ____ because ____.
  • I am proud of this _____ because ____ and ____.
  • I really enjoyed (reading this book / writing this piece) because ____.
  • I learned ____ while (reading this book / writing this piece).

To celebrate, share your thinking with your family.

Don’t forget to work on your reading and writing goals over the summer!