Since 2007 the Outdoor/Env Ed Centres of the WRDSB have been certified as EcoSchools. To achieve certification the sites must maintain levels of strict criteria that fall into four catagories – Ecological Literacy, Waste Minimization, Energy Conservation, and School Ground Greening. The initiative encourages students and the wider school community to think and act in an environmentally responsible manner.

At the Camp Heidelberg OEEC all of the learning is curriculum-based and has an environmental focus. Each day, the initiatives of EcoSchools are covered in an effort to have students think about the big picture, and how they can apply the thoughts and messages from their time at the centre to everyday life.

With our human population growing there will be an increased strain put on our natural resources and energy demands. At the centre, students help ensure lights are turned off when not required, learn how to and participate in recycling and composting programs, and help to maintain the natural areas.

We have also had students help with planting trees for shade, and with planting and maintaining a native wildflower garden of drought-resistant plants.

All of these initiatives and learning opportunities can be used in the submission towards EcoSchool certification, but most important is the student involvement and experience.

To all of the other schools that are working towards EcoSchools certification… well done!!