Today while waiting for the AM bus (~10 mins) I heard or saw 48 species of birds. Included are my first Cape May Warbler, American Redstart, Northern Parula, and Tennessee Warbler of the year. I also had 4 species of sparrow, and a couple birds of prey. I have been entering all of my sightings for the centre into eBird Canada (see my previous blog explaining this) and this calendar year 83 species have shown up on the property. There are still a couple that I am sure are here but I have not had the time to check out the right habitats (ie. Swamp Sparrow and Willow Flycatcher). I am still awaiting my first Indigo Bunting, Eastern Bluebird, Common Yellowthroat, Palm Warbler, and House Wren to name a few. I am hopeful that the centre can reach the 100 species mark by the end of Dec… I think that would be an interesting, yet very challenging mark to achieve.