Lots of natural goings-on around my house in Kitchener this spring.

  • My next-door neighbour had 4 baby raccoons removed from her attic.
  • Another neighbour was out jogging one morning and saw a wild turkey on a lawn on Forest Hill Drive.
  • Last week two coopers hawks were screeching at each other from trees on the street behind us.
  • Yesterday I had a crow and a rabbit playing in the backyard. The crow was chasing the rabbit around a bush, and the rabbit was doing crazy jumps in the air. I wish I had filmed it.
  • And lastly, this duck is sitting on 9 eggs on a neighbour’s front porch. This is the third year in a row the duck has been there.

It’s nice to know that these animals can find homes in our neighbourhoods (but maybe not our attics). As gardening season kicks in to high gear, think about planting things that provide food for your local wildlife.