You’re safe to swim – as long as you don’t mind the fact that the lifeguard is a turkey vulture!! 30+ of these soaring scavengers roost overnight in a stand of pine trees at Camp Shalom where I do pond studies with grade 4 classes. I see theme regularly as they get ready for a day of flight and fancy.
Vultures spread their 2-metre wide wingspan in the sun to dry their feathers of dew or rain before they can take to the air. Given the soaking rain we had last night (and the day before, and the day before…) the drying process has been a bit of a challenge recently. These birds have adapted by jostling for prime real estate atop the chimneys of one of the camp buildings, where warm exhaust air serves as a blow dryer!! Others take up nearby positions on pool perches like this lifeguard stand, while the birds ready to begin their role as nature’s recyclers queue up in the branches of the trees across the yard!!