Yesterday the 100th bird species for the calendar year showed up on the property – well, #99 and #100. The 99th species was the Black-billed Cuckoo, which was heard singing while studying Aquatic Ecology with Gr 9’s, and the 100th species… the Eastern Bluebird!

It is a nice bird to have as #100. It is also a species that has come back from serious decline in Ontario. The Eastern Bluebird was declared rare by COSEWIC and MNR based on its low population following the severe winters of 1976 to 1978. This, coupled with habitat loss and competition with introduced species for nesting cavities left the population very low.

With the help of bluebird box projects and more favourable winters the population has increased significantly to a point where It was delisted in 1996.

It is a species that has nested on the property each year (save one) since the addition of four bluebird boxes in 1999. One of the species I look forward to seeing and hearing each spring.