We’re back!!  The “outdooredguys” have let our blogging lapse a bit, what with summer holidays and the busy return to school everyone has experienced.  But we’re back, the new year is well under way with class visits to the Outdoor and Environmental Education Centres, and there are lots of things going on in the natural world that we’d like to share with you.  This is the 80th entry we’ve made since diving into the world of blogging on November 21, 2010.

We would also like to encourage student contributions to the blog.  You may wish to report on your field trip to Blair, Laurel Creek, Camp Heidleberg, Wrigley Corners or the Huron Natural Area.  You might also have experienced something of interest in your yard at home, at school or at the cottage.  Or you might have questions for us that you haven’t been able to answer in science class.  Friends email us all the time with photos of mystery birds or insects and we do our best to figure them out.

You can subscribe to “outdooredguys” and be automatically notified of new entries to the blog.   Just enter your email address and click on the “Sign me up” button!!

Pond Study at the Huron Natural Area