After an email from a teacher asking for my species list for 2011, I thought that it might be interesting to share. There were 5 species that have been recorded fewer than three times, and 3 species that were first records for the property (since I began keeping track in the fall of 1999).

Taxonomic Date
1 Canada Goose 3-Jan-11
2 Wood Duck 6-Apr-11
3 Mallard 21-Mar-11
4 Green-winged Teal 15-Apr-11
5 Ruffed Grouse 14-Apr-11
6 Wild Turkey 3-Jan-11
7 Great Blue Heron 28-Mar-11
8 Great Egret 1-Sep-11
9 Green Heron 26-May-11
10 Turkey Vulture 11-Mar-11
11 Bald Eagle 2-Nov-11
12 Sharp-shinned Hawk 19-Jan-11
13 Cooper’s Hawk 11-Jan-11
14 Broad-winged Hawk 12-May-11
15 Red-tailed Hawk 3-Jan-11
16 Rough-legged Hawk 7-Jan-11
17 American Kestrel 3-Oct-11
18 Merlin 7-Jan-11
19 Killdeer 21-Mar-11
20 Spotted Sandpiper 18-May-11
21 Solitary Sandpiper 18-May-11
22 Lesser Yellowlegs 1-Sep-11
23 Ring-billed Gull 6-Jan-11
24 Herring Gull 24-Mar-11
25 Rock Pigeon 3-Jan-11
26 Mourning Dove 3-Jan-11
27 Black-billed Cuckoo 30-May-11
28 Great Horned Owl 30-Dec-11
29 Ruby-throated Hummingbird 20-May-11
30 Belted Kingfisher 28-Apr-11
31 Red-bellied Woodpecker 3-Jan-11
32 Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 5-Apr-11
33 Downy Woodpecker 3-Jan-11
34 Hairy Woodpecker 3-Jan-11
35 Northern Flicker 8-Apr-11
36 Pileated Woodpecker 31-Jan-11
37 Eastern Wood-Pewee 25-May-11
38 Alder Flycatcher 25-May-11
39 Least Flycatcher 10-May-11
40 Eastern Phoebe 5-Apr-11
41 Great Crested Flycatcher 9-May-11
42 Eastern Kingbird 27-Apr-11
43 Red-eyed Vireo 25-May-11
44 Blue Jay 3-Jan-11
45 American Crow 3-Jan-11
46 Horned Lark 16-Feb-11
47 Northern Rough-winged Swallow 8-Jun-11
48 Tree Swallow 26-Apr-11
49 Barn Swallow 28-Apr-11
50 Black-capped Chickadee 3-Jan-11
51 Red-breasted Nuthatch 5-Jan-11
52 White-breasted Nuthatch 3-Jan-11
53 Brown Creeper 3-Jan-11
54 Winter Wren 14-Apr-11
55 Golden-crowned Kinglet 11-Apr-11
56 Eastern Bluebird 30-May-11
57 Veery 10-May-11
58 Hermit Thrush 9-May-11
59 American Robin 7-Jan-11
60 Gray Catbird 26-May-11
61 Brown Thrasher 26-Apr-11
62 European Starling 11-Jan-11
63 American Pipit 27-Sep-11
64 Bohemian Waxwing 18-Jan-11
65 Cedar Waxwing 13-May-11
66 Ovenbird 12-May-11
67 Northern Waterthrush 10-May-11
68 Black-and-white Warbler 10-May-11
69 Tennessee Warbler 11-May-11
70 Nashville Warbler 9-May-11
71 Common Yellowthroat 12-May-11
72 American Redstart 11-May-11
73 Cape May Warbler 11-May-11
74 Northern Parula 11-May-11
75 Magnolia Warbler 10-May-11
76 Bay-breasted Warbler 10-May-11
77 Blackburnian Warbler 10-May-11
78 Yellow Warbler 2-Jun-11
79 Chestnut-sided Warbler 10-May-11
80 Black-throated Blue Warbler 12-May-11
81 Pine Warbler 5-May-11
82 Yellow-rumped Warbler 11-Apr-11
83 Black-throated Green Warbler 26-Apr-11
84 Eastern Towhee 28-Apr-11
85 American Tree Sparrow 7-Jan-11
86 Chipping Sparrow 26-Apr-11
87 Field Sparrow 9-May-11
88 Vesper Sparrow 26-Apr-11
89 Savannah Sparrow 8-Jun-11
90 Fox Sparrow 6-Apr-11
91 Song Sparrow 21-Mar-11
92 Swamp Sparrow 12-May-11
93 White-throated Sparrow 27-Apr-11
94 White-crowned Sparrow 9-May-11
95 Dark-eyed Junco 3-Jan-11
96 Scarlet Tanager 10-May-11
97 Northern Cardinal 7-Jan-11
98 Rose-breasted Grosbeak 9-May-11
99 Indigo Bunting 12-May-11
100 Red-winged Blackbird 10-Mar-11
101 Rusty Blackbird 29-Apr-11
102 Common Grackle 24-Mar-11
103 Brown-headed Cowbird 14-Apr-11
104 Baltimore Oriole 10-May-11
105 Purple Finch 27-Apr-11
106 House Finch 28-Mar-11
107 White-winged Crossbill 16-Nov-11
108 Common Redpoll 7-Jan-11
109 Hoary Redpoll 21-Jan-11
110 Pine Siskin 2-Nov-11
111 American Goldfinch 3-Jan-11