For the last few years Sean and I have wrapped up our year by going to camp… ESL camp at Belwood Lake. We are here doing the nature program for about 100 elementary ESL students.

Here Sean is explaining how spittle bugs suck plant juice and ooze spit out of their abdomens.



A Robin has decided to use this helmet to start its family.

20120619-021829.jpg. There were a dozen helmets and each had obviously been test on for size by this bold bird, grass lined each helmet to some degree.

These animals all came from Belwood Lake. The various beetles, nymphs, crustaceans, and bugs were a huge hit with the kids.


Along our hike we stop to find terrestrial invertebrates. Lots of fireflies, darling beetles and snails… And a couple creatures Sean and I will have to look up later.


After the kids are done with us they will move on to do some canoeing, orienteering or perhaps some crafts. It is a whirl-wind of a day but everyone sure has a blast… It certainly is a great way to wrap up a year of Outdoor Education.