We’re experiencing a cold snap in southern Ontario right now, and I guess we shouldn’t complain since it’s been another relatively mild winter to date.  I would love to have more snow – lots more – but days like today that combine arctic air with a gusty wind can make it mighty uncomfortable being out in the open.

I set out with a couple of weather instruments to find out just what today’s conditions are like – here’s my video report:

[wpvideo s9lwqo21]


And here are a couple of birds at or near the feeders today.  The redpolls were so intent on feeding that I actually had to brush one off its perch in order to top up the feeder. (Click on any of the photos to open a full-size image in a new window)

Common Redpoll

Common Redpoll

Common Redpoll

Common Redpoll

Downy Woodpecker - male

Downy Woodpecker – male