You may be familiar with some of the “citizen science” programs in which non-scientists like us can contribute our observations of things in nature to the real scientists.  For them it’s like having thousands of researchers out in the field gathering data.

So we thought it might be fun to start our own citizen science collector for students and staff in the Waterloo Region District School Board called Wildlife Watchers (maybe there’s a better name, feel free to suggest one).  You can enter any sightings or observations you’ve made via an online form, and keep track of sightings made by others.  Although this was created as a “home-grown” project, the outdooredguys blog has been read by people in 64 countries around the world, so others are welcome to submit their sightings as well.  Should be interesting to see what we get!!

Here are the links:

Click here to enter your sightings via the form

Click here to Check out other sightings submitted to us.

A search of the outdooredguys blog (that’s us), lists nine blog posts that relate to citizen science  and the other 173 posts are pretty interesting too!!  After all, 18,796  viewers from 64 countries around the world can’t be wrong!!

Observations of birds at Blair are submitted to eBird
Observations of birds at the Blair OEE Centre are submitted to eBird

Some popular citizen science sites include:
Journey North    migratory animals and seasonal events
Great Backyard Bird Hunt (Coming up Feb 15 – 18)    North American winter bird records
NatureWatch    Four Canadian programs:  Frog Watch/Plant Watch/Worm Watch/Ice Out
Rink Watch    A climate science site begun at Wilfred Laurier University here in Waterloo using information from  outdoor rink enthusiasts