Last week five grade 7 classes from Lester B Pearson PS visited the Blair OEE Centre studying Ecology.  We did a stream study of Blair Creek – a Class 1 cold-water stream – and a study of microscopic pond organisms.  That was the official itinerary.  With several consecutive days of beautiful weather, Spring literally exploded before our eyes.  Wildflowers are blooming, trees are leafing out, and migrant birds are returning to nest.  Every day there was something new.

I took down and repaired some old nest boxes, and the LBP students helped to put them back up.  We learned about cavity nesting birds and their needs, and submitted the first Project Nestbox records to Bird Studies Canada.  The tree swallow box we checked on last week had one egg in it as of this morning.

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Check back here in a day or two for my next post and see how this little project has turned out – I was amazed!!