I had an unexpected surprise Friday afternoon.  Right after my Centennial School Grade 7 class left for the day, I was cleaning up and opened the outside classroom door.  Right on the side walk was a tiny baby snapping turtle!  Where did it come from?  The only clue was a small hole in a pile of gravel near the door.  Looking carefully through the grass I came across four more of the little guys.  I saved them the long trip across the lawn, and walked them down to the pond.  Snapping turtles will often use human made structures and this mother must have thought the sunny gravel by the door was a great place to lay her eggs. You can help out by keeping an eye out for babies crossing the roads while driving near bodies of water.


Here is one beside the hole they came out of.


So cute!

IMG_0591“I’ll race you to the water!”  

Good Luck little guys.