On May 9th, people all over the world participated in the Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s fundraiser Global Big Day, tallying all the bird species that could be identified in one 24 hour period.  Globally, over half the world’s know species were tallied (incredible!), and the Cornell team of crack birders, on the ground in Panama, recorded 320 species.  Click here to see the results, and to download the awesome graphic below designed to promote the Global Big Day.

Sean and Al’s friendly competition to identify the most number of bird species at their Outdoor Ed Centres over the course of a calendar year (Counting Crows) is no less challenging – many people would be hard pressed to name that many local birds (100+) let alone identify them by sight or sound. So give it your best, guys, we look forward to a new record.  And in the spirit of cheering for the underdog – “Go Sean, Go”
