You can’t help but notice the abundance of butterflies in our green spaces today – we are witnessing an incredible wave of red admirals (Vanessa atalanta) migrating up from the US.  I have never seen so many, at one time, in one place – it is absolutely phenomenal.  On the video below I estimate there to be several hundred butterflies on the lawn, but once I had a chance to look around a bit, that is clearly a low estimate – there must be thousands!!

The red admirals have been joined by honey bees, various fly species and a beautiful question mark butterfly (it can be identified by the “question mark” on the underside of it’s wings), all seeking nectar and pollen from the dandelions.

Red Admiral

Honey Bee

Question Mark Butterfly

If you have a chance, sit – or lie down – on the lawn and just observe these incredible insects for a few moments.  They’re one of the many marvels of nature and who knows when such an incredible event as this will occur again!!