The cold is taking it’s toll on some of the birds at Blair and perhaps in backyards around the region.  Although they are hardy and well adapated to winter conditions, mortality is high at this time of year.  Yesterday it was a common redpoll, today a goldfinch found frozen at or near the feeders.

In the midst of this cold snap, though, there are signs of spring!!  Many of the birds are beginning to utter territorial calls as daylight hours lengthen, and courtship displays are being played out in the tree tops.  A female red-bellied woodpecker has been a regular visitor at the feeder this winter.  The male appeared for the first time yesterday, and today the two are inseparable!!

Black-capped chickadee with feathers fluffed up against the cold.

Black-capped chickadee with feathers fluffed up against the cold.

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