That’s right – January 28th and I’ve seen my first American robin.

Bob Fraser of the Ancient Mariners Canoe Club – creators and custodians of the new Cambridge Pollinator Preserve – stopped in at the Blair Outdoor Education Centre today. While checking out the bird feeders, Bob heard a sound he thought might be a robin, and a few moments later we were able to locate and confirm it.  Although it may be a local “hanger-on”, it’s the first robin I’ve seen this winter.  Way to go, Bob!!

We are experiencing freezing rain today, and are expecting rain and temperatures of +11C tomorrow, having just endured a week-long cold snap with daytime highs of -14C.  I think the birds are as confused about this weather as we humans are.

I also blogged about winter robins back in 2011 This is a photo from around that time in a park near my home in Kitchener, Ontario.

American Robin

American Robin