Blair outdoor education Centre

Today 7FC from Lester B Pearson got to visit Mr Rasberry at Blair outdoor education centre. Once we got there we got to go in to his class room, his class room is not like any other class room. Every where you look there are dead stuffed animals hanging around. Today we got to go down to the stream to do a stream study. During the stream study we got to catch and look at invertebrates. While we were down at the stream we saw lots of birds we also saw some when we were walking to and from the stream. For example we saw turkey vultures, chickadee and many more. After we got to measure the rate of the current. We also got to see organisms under a microscope that we never could of seen with out this experience. We all thank Mr Rasberry for all his time and perpetration he put in to today and we also thank our spectacular and amazing teacher Mr Peterson for coming along for not one but four trips!

By: Jessica. M and Addison!!!!!!

Hi, Megan and Claudia here! Today we did various different activities with Mr. Rasberry. Our favourite part was the stream study when we got to wade around in the water, finding different species of invertebrates. There were also some small fish and crayfish as well. Each group had discovered different organisms, and it was interesting to see what everyone had found. Even though there was a lot of screaming, everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves. We saw some different birds flying outside including some vultures, gold finches, chickadees, and more! Overall, it was an awesome day!