On Friday morning I arrived a little earlier than normal. I was setting up for the class and as I was walking around I was enjoying the colours of the rising sun on the frost. I was standing about 15m from the edge of the forest, with my back to it. I heard a ‘fffff’ ‘fffff’ of flapping wings and I casually looked up expecting to see a Red-tailed Hawk in flight… It turned out to be a Bald Eagle that must have been perched in the trees behind me! It was only about 10m above my right shoulder when I saw it, but I was so surprised by it no reaction came out of my mouth. I watched it fly around the corner of the forest and out of sight…

I would think this was not the same individual from 3 days prior, but they were both adult birds and there is no way to know for sure.

Pretty Cool!! Out of all of my eagle experiences, that is probably the closest I have been to a wild one. So close I could almost feel the down-draft of the wings as it flapped.