It may, or may not be fitting that this is the 100th posting on the “outdooredguys” blog, but it certainly is fitting to report that I had my 111th bird species for 2011 just before the turn of the calendar year! On my way down to fill the bird feeders I was admiring all of the cones of the Eastern Hemlock trees and a Great Horned Owl happened to be sitting above the path about 25m from me. I stopped in surprise and while we stared at each other for the briefest of seconds, it soon spread it wings and glided through the forest. I walked down the path a bit to relocated it, but the coniferous forest is dense in that area and it was not possible. I am more than excited to reach 111 species…  that was an exceptional year, and I would think in the future that 95 species would be average.

Sean McCammon and I have decided to have a friendly competition to see who can detect the highest number of bird species on our respective env. ed. properties, Sean at Laurel Creek and me at Camp Heidelberg – should be a fierce rivalry since we both have some great habitats ; )

I am on my way to fill the feeders where the owl was seen… I am sure I will come back with a few species on my 2012 list!!

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