It sure is nice to work at a place where people send you thank-you letters for just doing your job. Mrs. Grant’s grade 3/4 class from Lincoln Heights came to Laurel Creek for a Habitats and Communities program for which birds was the focus of study.  Comments from the class included:

“I thought it was pretty cool when we went outside because we got to see a deer right after we stepped outside.” (True!)

“My favourite part was when we opened the owl pellet and found a vole inside. When I came back to school I felt happy because I learned something new.”

“Feeding the chickadees was the best part because it’s so peaceful and it’s never quite like that at my house.”

“I am glad we did a lot of science. Thank-you for leading us through an adventurous land.”

“Thank-you for teaching us about birds. It was so fun I let all my energy come out.

“My favourite bird to see was the Great Blue Heron. I have never seen one before and it was very tall.”

“Why do you like birds so much? I am not saying you shouldn’t, but I have never met someone who loves birds so much well other than my grandma. Thanks for reading this. Kind regards.”

Thanks Mrs. Grant, and Mrs. Grant’s class!