The Centre

The Camp Heidelberg OEEC became a full-time Outdoor/Environmental Education Centre of the WRDSB after partnering with and leasing the site from the K-W Optimist Club in the fall of 1997. The property is 73 acres and features a hardwood bush, cedar swamp, a beautiful pond, early successional fields, and a Class 1 Provincially Significant Wetland.

The Staff

Al Woodhouse is the Specialist at the Camp Heidelberg OEEC.  Al graduated in 1998 with a background in biology and a thesis in entomology and ecology.  He has been a Naturalist in a few of Ontario’s Provincial Parks, including Algonquin and Presqu’ile.  While out being a ‘nature nerd’, Al usually has a camera and a pair of binoculars close by.


Various programs for grades 1-11 are offered at the Centre.


Phone: 519-885-6528


2001 Kressler Rd,
Waterloo, ON
N2J 3Z4