Mountain Bluebird

This pretty little bird is a female mountain bluebird, seen today (Sunday) in Puslinch Township, west of Morriston and east of Crief.  It is far from home – breeding birds are found from the Yukon as far east as central Manitoba, and wintering takes place in southern BC, California, and Mexico.  This individual was first […]

Big Year of Birding

While Al ans Sean get their friendly competition for bird species underway, a young Guelph are student is already at species 89 for the calendar year 2012.  He calls it “My 2012 Ontario Big Year”  – a great description can be found on his blog Ontario Birds and Herps. I came across the blog searching […]

Bird # 1

So today at Laurel Creek, Mademoiselle Nelson’s grade 4 class from Westvale Public School was out for a bird study. Before our hike, I explained to the students that Al from Camp Heidelberg had challenged me to see who could find more species of birds on their property in 2012 (see previous blog). Today I would start my list in […]

All Birds Count

Al Woodhouse from the Camp Heidelberg Outdoor / Environmental Education Centre has challenged me for the new year: Who can see the most birds on their centre property in 2012. Al is much better at identifying birds than I am, especially by their calls, but Laurel Creek has a wide diversity of habitats that different types […]

the 111th Bird Species for 2011!!!!!!!!!

It may, or may not be fitting that this is the 100th posting on the “outdooredguys” blog, but it certainly is fitting to report that I had my 111th bird species for 2011 just before the turn of the calendar year! On my way down to fill the bird feeders I was admiring all of […]

2011 in review

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2011 annual report for this blog. Here’s an excerpt: A New York City subway train holds 1,200 people. This blog was viewed about 5,900 times in 2011. If it were a NYC subway train, it would take about 5 trips to carry that many people. Click here to […]

Amphibian sightings

So today, on December 21, the classes at Laurel Creek saw a total of 8 frogs. One was hopping through the rain, and 7 were in a muddy hole beside our pond. Seems pretty odd to see frogs about on the last day of autumn.  During yesterday’s class, we were walking beside the same pond, and I noticed the pond’s overflow […]

In the Midst of Living

“My ideas usually come not at my desk writing, but in the midst of living.” Anais Nin

Window Strike

Kids always ask how and from where we get the animals specimens that adorn our Outdoor Centre classrooms. Some birds and mammals are hit by cars, others die as a result of natural causes. Some – that have been donated to us from personal collections – may have been hunted. Many small birds are the […]

Old magazine ad

“100 years from now, people will not understand the things we brag about today.”  Discuss.

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