

  • Copy of the clocks,
  • pencil

Can you put these clocks in order from earliest to latest?
Pick 3 of these times and describe what you are usually doing at that time.

Alt text = 9 clocks showing different times: 9:30, 2:00, 5:15, 10:45, 4:00, 6:45, 12:15, 6:30, 3:30.

Possible Questions/Helpful Hints

  • What does that hand tell you?
  • What clock shows the earliest time? How do you know?
  • You could cut out the clocks and rearrange them to put them in order.
  • Your child may want to record the times digitally under each clock.

Possible Adaptation:

  • You could eliminate the clocks showing times on the quarter hour (xx:15, xx:45)