Wouldn’t you know it…

[soundcloud width=”100%” height=”81″ params=”secret_url=true” url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/11052139?secret_token=s-9FyFw”] No sooner had I created the post about the red-bellied woodpeckers being missing in action, we located one down at the forest feeders.  It was literally a half hour between pressing “Publish” and re-discovering this long-lost friend.  A group of grade 6 students studying Biodiversity were doing a black-capped chickadee […]


It’s been weeks since I’ve seen her, or either of the two “hims”. As of today, I officially declare MIA (missing in action) my RBWP (AOU – American Ornithologists’ Union abbreviation for the red-bellied woodpecker). Since November I’ve had 2 male and one female red-bellied woodpeckers at my feeders at Blair. They are beautiful birds […]

Carden Birds

A burst of posts about northern shrikes begun by Sean led to a comment by our friend Fraser Gibson about the endangered loggerhead shrikes that nest on the Carden Plain near Orillia, and my own visit there last summer. This barn swallow was photographed on a rainy day last July from the blind constructed for […]

Remember this one, Al?

Around the same time as indicated in the post below – 1999 or so – I took Al and another friend for a walk out along the Grand River at the end of Zeller Drive. I had been seeing a shrike fairly regularly at a spot on the drive there. As we approached that spot […]

My Shrike 2-cents

This is a piggy-back on Sean’s great blog below… Sean, you may or may not know that this was the bird that started by birdwatching career back in Feb of 1999… I was in the car with Ted Cheskey (and 2 other people that I cannot recall right now) and we were making a right […]

I like shrikes

Saw a Northern Shrike today.  It’s a robin-sized bird that preys on rodents and birds and insects.  It catches its prey with its beak, usually breaking the animal’s neck, or crushing its skull.  I haven’t seen a shrike catch anything, but apparently it is a violent affair.  The shrike today was at the top of a tree, […]

The Zen Master of Chickadee Feeding

Better Way

A couple of years ago I wrote a song about my job as an outdoor educator.  Here is my band Ridgewalker playing it in my basement before Christmas.       [soundcloud url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/10319101″]

Trappings of Winter

Junior blogger Kyle, an-ex co-op student at Laurel Creek, sends this post from Northern Ontario, about an hour east of Parry Sound.  He is currently working a trapline with his uncle. “Hey Sean, I saw your post about the owls, not gonna lie I’m kinda jealous. But I saw a bunch of birds of my […]

Spring has Sung

Spring is on the way… This statement might sound a bit bold with temperatures today below –10C and a wind-chill of –20C, but the signs of spring are emerging. Last week I heard the nasal song of the White-breasted Nuthatch on two consecutive days and song fragments of various bird species including Northern Cardinal and […]

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