eBird – the beauty and importance of ‘citizen science’

I was introduced to eBird by a bird scientist friend of mine – a regular eBird contributor – a year ago November, but at the time I did not understand the purpose other than to keep track of which bird species he had seen in his life (called a ‘life list’). Recently, I took the […]

Not the Hundred-Acre Wood

Now that the snow at Laurel Creek is getting deeper, the local coyotes have been using our ski trails as hunting paths.  It makes for some grisly discoveries.  Kids seem to think this is pretty neat though. What’s left of this rabbit are the stomach and intestines, the feet, and the tail.  You never seem to […]

Starling, Starling

I have seen this video before, but it is fairly mind-blowing.  The longer it goes, the crazier it gets. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XH-groCeKbE&fs=1&hl=en_US]

The Dawn Coyote Song

This morning, as I filled the feeders at Wrigley Corners, I was treated to a delightful serenade by Coyote’s (Canis latrans) living behind Miller Lake. The winter sun rises late these days, I usually fill my feeders as it drifts aloft, a break in the clouds put a rosy blush on the snow as the […]

Robins? Ridiculous!!

December 21st was the first day of winter, not spring. Yet on Christmas Eve I saw a robin in my neighbourhood, and on Christmas Day another 6 or 8!! My daughter and I were out walking our nearly 15 year-old Brittany, a bird dog, on Christmas Eve when we heard the soft whistle of a […]

Christmas Bird Count

On December 18th, I participated in the Kitchener Christmas Bird Count with outdooredguy Al, and another birding buddy, Josh. The Christmas Bird Count is an annual event during which volunteers count birds all day. It’s not highly scientific, but it gives people an idea of what is happening to bird poulations over time. In the old days […]

Let it snow!!

Oh, the weather outside is frightful (sing along if you know the words…).  I don’t imagine many people enjoyed the drive to work, or wherever they had to go this morning, but the truth is, the weather is frightfully beautiful.  I love winter. Like you, I faced a line of idling cars, truck and buses […]

Snow brings out the birds…

My bird feeders at Blair have been up and going for over a month, but traffic has been minimal at best, if you don’t count the squirrels. I put up new some feeders this year and re-positioned others, and thought perhaps the birds weren’t accustomed to the new arrangement (how could they know better than […]

A whole lotta hawks, or, Raptor Rapture

On a return trip to Tobermory at the tip of the Bruce Peninsula this past weekend – about 7 hours total driving time – we were treated to an awesome array of raptor sightings.  On even the shortest of southern Ontario road trips you’re likely to spot a red-tailed hawk or two soaring over the […]

That Chickadee Feeding

So, you’ve read That Chickadee Feeling by Frank Glew.  In this book, a child gets a wonderful feeling from a chickadee eating sunflower seeds out of her hand.  You really want a chickadee to eat sunflower seeds out of your hand.  What do you do?  How do you start?  It’s not that hard.  You just need […]

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