Grade 4 students studying Winter Birds at the Blair OEEC as part of their Habitats and Communities unit have observed and identified 21 species over the past two days. Many are common birds – chickadees, blue jay, cardinal – but we’ve had a couple of pretty cool sightings as well. The tiny golden-crowned kinglet was seen today along with the equally elusive brown creeper. At the other end of the size spectrum, a fleeting glimpse in the forest this morning was confirmed later in the day with a dramatic fly-by of the crow-sized pileated woodpecker.

Kids use binoculars to observe the birds at the feeders and out and about the 10 ha. property, and traditional field guides as well as iPod and iPad apps to identify the birds and learn their songs.

We are hearing the first phrases of some spring songs from a number of birds as the lengthening photo-period activates hormones that dictate courtship and breeding behaviour. Can’t wait for those 5:00 a.m. cardinal calls to kick in outside our bedroom window…