Word Of The Day

Come up with a word of the day, like “play.” As you and your child go through your day, point out moments or things you see that remind you of the word of the day.

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Does your child like to say “no” a lot? You can play No/Yes to turn a negative time into a fun time.

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Asking “wh” questions (what, where, when, who, why) helps your child learn to focus and pay attention to the details of the story as well as use critical thinking skills.

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Tube Towers

Collect used, clean toilet paper tubes and encourage your child to build a tall tower with them. Ask him questions like, “How many tubes can you stack until the tower falls over?

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Hop, Skip, Or Jump The Line!

Make a line on the floor with coloured tape, string, or use the lines in the sidewalk.

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Animal Rhymes

During a calm moment, invite your child to come up with their own ideas for managing stressed feelings.

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Stress Busters

During a calm moment, invite your child to come up with their own ideas for managing stressed feelings.

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Pick Me Up

Make picking up toys a game with your child.

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Asking Questions: Why?

As you clean up with your child ask them questions. “Where do you think the pot should go?

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Beat And Repeat

Play “Beat and Repeat” anywhere. Create a beat with two claps. Can your child copy it?

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