Partner Art

Find a partner in your house that you can work together on a fun drawing game with. You will each need something to draw with (pen, pencil, marker, crayon, etc.). You will also need one piece of paper to collaborate together on.

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Partner Art

Find a partner in your house that you can work together on a fun drawing game with. You will each need something to draw with (pen, pencil, marker, crayon, etc.). You will also need one piece of paper to collaborate together on.

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Take the Jump Challenge

Set aside two 15-minute jump challenge breaks throughout the day. Challenge yourself with a selection of different jumps described below.

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Take the Jump Challenge

Set aside two 15-minute jump challenge breaks throughout the day. Challenge yourself with a selection of different jumps described below.

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Animal Exercise

Think about all the different ways that animals can move. Move like an animal around a space you have within your home, apartment or yard

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Reading and Writing

Two activities to expand your French reading and writing skills.

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Adjectives and Opposites

Two activities that will help expand your understanding of adjectives.

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Adjectives and Opposites

Two activities that will help expand your understanding of adjectives.

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Shadow Tracing

Find a space where there is light coming through a window. Lay a paper down and create a shape using toys, objects or some of your body.

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Earth Art!

Many art sculptures and pictures have been created using rocks, sticks, leaves and other natural materials. Go on a hike or search your yard for items you can use to create an art piece. Be creative in your design.

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