The Number Balance

Can you balance the numbers?

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High Intensity Interval Training Workout

Working out with short bursts of high-intensity activity, followed by brief intervals of low-intensity activity is what a HIIT workout is. It is good for our minds, as it gets the blood and oxygen flowing to our brains.

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Wacky Wednesday Rebus

Did you know that solving puzzles can strengthen your brain, boost your vocabulary, and reinforce concentration? Even better, it can be a whole lot of fun!

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On voyage-jour #3

Le but: Apprendre à propos des régions francophones.

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Les visites virtuelles: Les plus belles plages de France

Aujourd’hui on va visiter les plus belles plages de France. Après avoir vu des plages de France, réfléchis aux plages que tu as déjà visitées dans ton/ta vie. Comment les plages sont-elles similaires et différentes?

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Musée d’Orsay

Aujourd’hui on va visiter La Musée d’Orsay à Paris. Cette musée a été construite en tant qu’une gare pour l’Exposition Universelle en 1900.

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Unlearning For a Better World: Day Three

You have an authentic purpose for the work that you are engaging in right now. Review the guidelines of the UN-competition. What is the important information that you need to know to create and submit your own design?

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Summer is Coming!

Summer is almost here! On Sunday, June 21, summer will officially begin. How do we know?

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Come Celebrate National Indigenous Peoples Day!

June 21 is National Indigenous Peoples Day. It’s an opportunity for everyone to celebrate the cultural richness and contributions of the First Nations, Inuit and Metis peoples.

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Twenty-Five (Integers Version)

This card game is a variation of another game called Twenty-Five, which involves addition and subtraction of whole numbers and can be played by students of any age. This game requires students to add and subtract positive and negative integers.

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