Open Middle Problem Three

Using each of the digits 0-6 only once, make two equivalent ratios.

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Envelope Sums

A set of ten cards, each showing one of the digits from 0 to 9, is divided up between five envelopes so that there are two cards in each envelope.

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Missing Titles

Explain that the title is missing from the three graphs.

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For Grade 12 Graduating Students

We wanted to reach out to you and your families directly, understanding that you have some questions and are experiencing school closures in a different way than other students given that it is, in many cases, your final year of high school.

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For Grade 9 to 11 Students

We wanted to write to you and your families directly, understanding that you have some individual questions and are experiencing school closures in a different way than other students, especially as you look forward to moving on to your next grade.

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Marks, Expectations and Supports for K to 8 Students and Families

We wanted to write to our elementary students and families directly, understanding that you have some individual questions and are experiencing school closures in a different way than other students. The worry about students missing out on foundational learning is real and understandable, especially as you and your child looks forward to moving on to their next grade.

Read more about Marks, Expectations and Supports for K to 8 Students and Families »

Integer Addition Number Battle

Today’s Activity: Integer Addition Number Battle

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Math Art Challenge: Sierpinski Triangles

Creating a Sierpinski Triangle is simple, but results in a beautiful, symmetrical work of art!

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Math Game Day: Part Three

More math games!

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Le Haïku

Le haïku est un poème court de trois lignes qui utilise le langage sensoriel pour capturer une émotion ou une image.

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