Sentence Structures and Online Activity

How many sentences can you make?

Create a Booklet and Online Activities

Create a booklet of your summer activities and complete the online activities.

Match and Draw

Match the sentences with the pictures, and then draw a picture for each sentence!

True or False and About Me

A True or False activity and let's learn more about you!

Structuring Sentences

Can you get these sentences in the right order?

Adjectives and Descriptions

Complete these activities to learn more about adjectives and descriptions in French.

Adjectives and Characteristics

Two activities that invite students to learn more about characteristics and adjectives.

Exploring Quebec

Let's learn more about Quebec – what's different and what's the same?

Farm Animal Sounds

Ecouter la chanson A la ferme Sing along to learn the words for the different animals on a farm. Draw a picture and label pictures of the animals.

Animal Clues and Reading Comprehension

Les indices des animaux! Use the clues to guess the animal.

About Me

Two activities that invite students to expand their French language skills.

Adjectives and Opposites

Two activities that will help expand your understanding of adjectives.

Word Match and Drawing Activities

This lesson contains a matching activity, and a drawing activity.

Qu’est-ce que tu aimes manger? What do you like to eat?

Draw or cut out of magazines several images of foods. Check the ones off that you like to eat. Can you ask a friend or member of your family which ones they like?

Food and French

Fais un match entre l’image et le mot. Match the pics and the words.

Core French Language Skills

Two activities to help you develop your French language skills.

Core French Language Skills #2

Two activities to help you develop your French language skills.