Cross-Strand Activities

Écris une lettre à toi-même en disant comment COVID19 a changé ta vie pour le moment. Place ta lettre dans une enveloppe et remets la lettre à tes parents ou à quelqu’un(e) responsable. N’ouvre pas la lettre pendant au moins 6 mois si possible.

Que peux-tu changer dans ta vie après la pandémie?
Y a-t-il quelque chose que tu apprécies plus maintenant?

Dear Parents,
Your child is being asked to write a letter to themselves describing how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected their lives. They are being asked to place this letter in an envelope and give it to a responsible adult to keep in a safe place. Your child is being asked to keep this envelope closed for at least 6 months or longer at which time they may read it. Given this experience, what might your child change in their life as a result of the pandemic? Is there something that they appreciate more now?