Problem Solving Prompts

Learning Goals:

  • Determine the missing numbers in equations
  • Investigate variables as unknown quantities
  • Communicate mathematical thinking orally and visually

The Challenge:

Steve is a birdwatcher. On his walk yesterday he saw a total of 28 birds.

He saw twice as many chickadees as blue jays.
He saw three fewer blue jays than woodpeckers.
He saw one red-tailed hawk and 10 chickadees.
He also saw some herons.

How many herons, blue jays and woodpeckers did he see?

Questions and Prompts to Support your Child:

  • Which bird did you figure out first?
  • What have you tried so far? What could we try together?
  • How do you know that those values work for each bird?

Extensions & Adaptations:

  • If struggling with calculations, have a calculator handy!
  • If unable to get started, try starting with clues that we have information for (twice as many chickadees as blue jays.)
  • Check out Mashup Math for some more algebraic puzzles!
  • Join the WRDSB Backyard Bird Count 2020 – a three day event from April 21-23 organized by our Outdoor and Environmental Education Department

Source: University of Waterloo – CEMC Problem of the Week Database