Let it snow!!

Oh, the weather outside is frightful (sing along if you know the words…).  I don’t imagine many people enjoyed the drive to work, or wherever they had to go this morning, but the truth is, the weather is frightfully beautiful.  I love winter. Like you, I faced a line of idling cars, truck and buses […]

Snow brings out the birds…

My bird feeders at Blair have been up and going for over a month, but traffic has been minimal at best, if you don’t count the squirrels. I put up new some feeders this year and re-positioned others, and thought perhaps the birds weren’t accustomed to the new arrangement (how could they know better than […]

A whole lotta hawks, or, Raptor Rapture

On a return trip to Tobermory at the tip of the Bruce Peninsula this past weekend – about 7 hours total driving time – we were treated to an awesome array of raptor sightings.  On even the shortest of southern Ontario road trips you’re likely to spot a red-tailed hawk or two soaring over the […]

That Chickadee Feeding

So, you’ve read That Chickadee Feeling by Frank Glew.  In this book, a child gets a wonderful feeling from a chickadee eating sunflower seeds out of her hand.  You really want a chickadee to eat sunflower seeds out of your hand.  What do you do?  How do you start?  It’s not that hard.  You just need […]

Outdoor Ed “Guys”

Collectively the four OEE Specialists are sometimes referred to as “the outdoor ed guys.” At the moment we are in fact all “guys”, but it hasn’t always been so. We’ve had an equal number of women on staff over the years.   A few have gone on to careers in the classroom, both in our […]

Winter Finches

Every year around the beginning of November the autumn low of birding in Southern Ontario arrives. Most of our breeding species have migrated south in response to a decline in the insect populations and the reduced day length, but the handful of species that irrupt from the northern regions of Canada have not yet arrived. […]

Journey North

Journey North is a citizen science website that tracks the travels of a number of North American migratory animals. The monarch butterfly is it’s “flagship” species, and their journey is nearing the end as many have now reached the wintering grounds in the mountains of Mexico. The migration is documented as people like you and […]

Our new (ad)venture

The WRDSB “outooredguys” decided that it was time to have a forum through which we can share some of the natural history news that we regularly do amongst ourselves, and occasionally with others through the Coffee Shop forum of WaterWorks. So here we are… The Outdoor Education Specialists – as we are officially known – […]

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