Interview With An Artist

Read an interview and make connections and determine important information.

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Represent Yourself

Create a simple media representation that communicates what makes you, you!

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We Are All Unique

Paying attention to what makes us all unique helps us to understand others and ourselves.

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How many minutes a day are the average person’s eyes closed due to blinking?

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Kakooma Addition Puzzles

The goal of these Kakooma puzzles is to find which number in each section is a sum of two other numbers found there (which number can be a total of adding two others?).

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Standing in Line

Who is the closest to the front of the line? How many students are there between Julia and Rajesh?

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Cycling in the “Tour De France” for Workout Wednesday

Today we are going on a fitness adventure! This 8 minute, guided workout will have you competing in the hardest cycling event on the planet, The Tour De France!

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Breaking News: Be a Reporter!

Spending time in nature and being creative can contribute to a person’s overall health and well-being. When we spend time outdoors, we are more mindful of what we see, what we hear, what we smell, and what we feel.

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La semaine du cardio #3

Le but: Comprendre des messages oraux et y réagir.

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Les Pros du Cardio Aviron

Aujourd’hui, notre vidéo s’appelle “Aviron” (rowing).

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