Virtual Celebrations

Powwows are celebrations that showcase Indigenous music, dances, regalia, foods, and crafts. Powwows are joyful and beautiful celebrations of culture and are held in the spring and summer to uplift people after the winter.

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Visual Patterns: Blocks

Answer these questions about the visual pattern.

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Comparing Visual Growing Patterns (Revisited)

Examine the two growing patterns. What do you notice? What do you wonder?

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A Game and a Puzzle

Get your brain going with this math game and puzzle!

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Yoga Routines Before Bed

Night-time routines are important for children in order to prepare them for a good night’s sleep. Sometimes children struggle to get to sleep due to stress, anxiety or restlessness.

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School Year Memories

The 2019-2020 school year is almost over, and it has been quite the memorable year! Think back to the first day or week of school in September 2019 – what do you remember most?

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On voyage-jour #4

Le but: Apprendre à propos des régions francophones.

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The Human Colour of the Rainbow: Part Two

The parent company of the brand of the adhesive bandages known as bandaids announced via its Instagram account that it will launch a range of bandages in “light, medium and deep shades of Brown and Black skin tones that embrace the beauty of diverse skin”.

Read more about The Human Colour of the Rainbow: Part Two »

Promoting National Indigenous Peoples Day

Sunday, June 21 is Canada’s National Indigenous Peoples Day – a day where Canadians are encouraged to “celebrate the heritage, diverse cultures and outstanding achievements of First Nations, Inuit and Métis!” Have a look at the poster created by the Government of Canada to share this special day with the public.

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The Great Festival of Light

National Indigineous People’s Day is celebrated on June 21 which is also the first day of summer – the Summer Solstice.

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