Snow Crystal

How many snow crystals drop from the sky each year?

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Yohaku Multiplication Puzzles

The goal of a yohaku puzzle is to find four numbers that will fit in the boxes, so that each row and column multiplies to the corresponding products at the right and bottom.

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Shadowy Shapes

Select one of the household objects you have collected such as a can. Show it to your child and tell them that you are going to shine a light on the object so you can see its shadow.

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Baseball Workout

It is baseball season! While during social distancing, we may not be able to play a full game of baseball, we can pretend we are playing baseball, and do a “baseball workout”. There is no equipment required for this workout – just your imagination!

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Window Wednesday: Into the Future

Just as focusing on the present moment can improve well-being, thinking about the future can also improve our psychological well-being and help us to make better decisions.

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La semaine de la danse jour #3

Le but: Comprendre des messages oraux et y réagir.

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On bouge avec Les Pros du Cardio: Bobsleigh

Cette semaine, nous allons regarder une série de vidéo qui s’appelle “Les Pros du Cardio”. Cette vidéo va t’encourager de bouger. Cette activité est conçue pour pratiquer ta capacité d’écoute en français.

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Pirouettes de vedettes: Frédérique Dufort

This week we will be watching a video series called “Pirouettes de vedettes”. These videos will hopefully encourage you to get up and move. Each day will be a different video.

Read more about Pirouettes de vedettes: Frédérique Dufort »

Building a Reading Life

Read the following non-fiction article CBC Books: Middle Grade and YA books to read in the Spring of 2020. Think about the books that appeal to you and why they do. Make a list of books and other texts that you would like to read at home and include one or two of the books from the article you just read.

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Fraction Number Search Five

Discuss the image – what fractions do you see represented?
How many different fractions can you find?

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