Activity #1

Match the words and images. Copy the word in the box.

You can print off this page, or copy and paste the chart below into a Google Doc to complete this activity.

bavard Someone who is hungry

Someone who is lazy


Someone who is going to go running and who is active


Someone who is chatty


Someone who is silly or funny


Someone who is shy


Someone who is sporty


Someone who is being helpful

Activity #2

In French we use the verb “être” to describe how we are e.g. I am funny – Je suis marrant.

Here is the verb “être”:

Je suis – I am  Nous sommes – we are
Tu es – you are Vous êtes – you (pluriel) are
Il est – he is Ils sont – they are (masc.)
Elle est – she is Elles sont – they are (fém.)

Using the adjectives above, create as many sentences as you can with the verb être.