Activity #1

The Good Life France website has a wealth of information about life in France. France is divided into 13 regions. Choose one of the 13 regions and plan a day or a weekend visiting that region in France. Share your learning with a family member or a friend.

Activity #2

Le transport futuristique!

Créer un nouveau prototype pour le “Meilleur Véhicule du Futur” (MVF). Choisis une photo et imagine ta création. Utilises les questions dans le tableau pour t’aider.

You need to create a new prototype for the Best Vehicle of the Future. Choose a picture below and use your imagination. Answer the questions in the chart to describe your prototype.

You can print out this page to complete this activity, or copy and paste this table into a Google Doc.

Un nom original
Three principales fonctions
Le prix estimé ($$)
Le public visé (qui)
Pourquoi dois-tu gagner?