Active Participation: Fun Games and Challenges

Today’s Fun Friday challenge requires very little materials and is good for the whole family. All you need is some kind of a stick, such as a broomstick, a stick from outside, a wooden spoon, even a ruler would work. It just has to fit inside the toilet paper tube. You will also need a roll of toilet paper. Be sure it is a new roll of toilet paper so it doesn’t unravel and won’t be wasted! This challenge can also work with a roll of masking tape to toss.

Image of a broom and a roll of toilet paper.

This challenge is a fun challenge that will get you moving because it is harder than it looks! (adapted from the Ringette Broomstick Challenge @MSS_HPE)

  1. Hold your stick in one hand (depending on your size, you may want to use a longer broomstick or a shorter wooden spoon).
  2. Next, have someone gently, underhand toss a toilet paper roll to you.
  3. Try to catch it on your stick.
  4. How many can you catch in a row?
  5. If you want to try it on your own, toss the toilet paper roll up with one hand and catch it with your stick in the other hand.

That is all there is to this game!

Challenges and variations:

  • Experiment with the distance.
  • Assign points and try to get 10 in row?
  • Change the length of your stick.
  • Try it from a sitting position.
  • Does it work if you try to bounce the toilet paper on the ground first?
  • What about using a paper towel roll? Does an empty tube work?
  • What other objects can you find around your house to try to catch? A plastic toy ring? A piece of cardboard cut into a ring shape?