large yellow pillow on floor with white dog sleeping on topActive Participation: Fun Games and Challenges

Everybody loves pillows! There are many challenges and fun games you can play with just a pillow or two.


Pillow Push-Ups

Grab a pillow. Put the pillow on the ground. Get into a push-up position with the pillow in front of your face, between your hands. The goal is to do as many push-ups as you can, but they have a twist. You must go all the way to the floor and let yourself lay on the floor, chest to the ground and head on the pillow. Then, push yourself back up to the plank position. How many can you do? Challenge a family member.

Pillow Burpees

Grab a pillow and place it on the floor. Lie on your stomach, hands in a push-up position. Bring your knees in, pick up the pillow and raise it above your head while you jump up. Go back down to the plank position and do it all over again. How many pillow burpees can you do? Challenge a partner. TIme yourself. How many in a minute?

Lava Floor

Pretend the floor in your home is hot running lava! Your challenge is to get across it safely. You’ll need to gather up as many pillows as you can find to use as stepping stones. Create a pathway to make it safely across your floor! Switch up paths, or time yourself to see how fast you can make it across!

Balancing Act

Put a pillow on the top of your head. Walk slowly from one end of your room to another. Can you make it across without the pillow falling off? Challenge yourself by walking more quickly, walking up or down stairs. Try walking with two pillows on your head!