Media: Uniquely You!


  • Learn more about the lives of Indigenous children today
  • View and respond to media clips

Today, we will learn more about our Indigenous neighbours through some video clips where they share their interests, hobbies, and important traditions and celebrations.

As you watch the videos, think about what you have in common with our Indigenous friends. Also watch for their interests, skills and traditions that are new to you.

First, choose two or three videos to view from the website Our Indigenous Friends.

After viewing, think about these questions:

  • What do you have in common with the friends in the videos you watched?
  • What unique interests or traditions did you find most interesting?
  • If you could meet these friends, what questions would you ask them?

Look back at your Mind Map from last week. Take time to add any new information you learned or new questions you have.

Share your thinking with a family member.

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