
The goal of the game of Hex is for each player to make an unbroken chain with their own pieces connecting the two opposite sides of the board marked with their colour. The standard game of hex is played on an 11×11 hexagonal tiled rhombus-shaped game board, as you can see below.

A gameboard grid of hexagonal boxes.

Choose a partner and play the game of Hex using the following rules:

  • Each player selects a colour and a side of the board.
  • Take turns putting a counter or marking any unoccupied hexagon on the game board.
  • Continue taking turns until one player creates an unbroken chain connecting the two opposite sides of the game board marked with their colour.

Consider the following questions:

  • Is it possible for the game to end in a tie? Why or why not?
  • Does the size of the board change the conclusions you had drawn before?
  • Can you find a winning strategy for either of the players?

For printable gameboards visit this link.
