

  • Remove all face cards from a standard deck of cards
  • Black cards will represent positive numbers (for example: 6 of spades will be considered to be (+6)
  • Red will represent negative numbers (for example: 6 of hearts will be considered to be (-6)
  • Can play in groups of 2 – 4 players

There are two variations to this game.

Game Focusing on Addition:

  • Deal out five cards to each player
  • Find the sum of all 5 cards and whoever has largest/greatest gets a point
  • Continue playing until all cards in the deck have been used.
  • Add up the points for each player. Whichever player has the highest number of points wins the game.
  • Alternate play: Choose a target number ahead of time (e.g. 15 or -2), whichever player gets the closest to the target number after adding up all 5 cards gets all of the cards. Whoever has the most cards at the end of the game wins.

Game Focusing on Subtraction:

  • All players agree on a target number (could be any number e.g. 0, 10, -10 etc.)
  • Deal each player two cards
  • Each player determines the difference between their 2 cards
  • Whoever is closest to the target number gets all the cards
  • Game ends when all the cards in the deck have been used.
  • Whichever player has the most cards at the end of the game wins.