
Answer to Yesterday’s Guess That Estimation:

It would take 142 years to reach the sun if it were possible to drive through space at 120 km/h.

Give Some Percent

This is a game for two or more players.

The object of the game: Get as close to 0 as possible.


Deck of cards, Ace worth 11, Jack worth 12, Queen worth 13,
King worth 14

How to Play:

  • Shuffle the cards and place the deck face down in the center of the table.
  • Decide on a percent for the first game. For example, let’s use 50%.

Deck of cards face down in one pile, 4 of spades face up in another pile.

  • Turn over the top card (4 of spades).
  • Players race to find the given percentage (50%) of the value of the card.
  • The first player that can give a correct answer wins the card. (In this example, 50% of 4, the answer would be “2”.)
  • Play until the deck or time runs out.
  • The player with the most cards wins.
  • In the case of an odd number, use decimals or fractions to represent the answer (50% of 11 is 5.5 or 5 1/2).
  • Allow the winner of each round to determine the percent used for the next round

Source: Acing Math