
Answer to Yesterday’s Guess That Estimation:

The average person drinks 70,000 cups of coffee in a lifetime.

Hit the Target

This is a game for two to five players.

The object of the game: Collect the most amount of cards.


Deck of cards, Ace worth 1 or 11, Jack worth 12, Queen worth 13,
King worth 14

How to Play:

  • Each group of 2 to 5 players selects a target number from 1-30.
  • One of the players will turn five cards from the deck face up and the object is for students to make a number sentence using all five cards with any operations to reach the target number.

Five of diamonds, ace of spades, six of clubs, two of hearts, and a five of spades.

For example, suppose the target number is 20 and the cards in play are 5, 5, 6, 2, and Ace (worth 1).

Five of diamonds multiplied by a two of hearts added to a five of spades added to a six of clubs minus an ace of spades equals twenty.

One winning combination is: 5 x 2 + 5 + 6 – 1 = 20. Another is (6 x 5) – (2 x 5 x 1).
Also, (6 ÷ 2) x 5 + (5 x 1) works, as do many more.

  • The first player to find a winning combination keeps the cards and chooses the next target number.
  • If no combination is found in about a minute, flip over another card and try to make a combination using six cards.

Source: Acing Math