
This is a game for 2 players.


  • On a piece of paper write the numbers from 1 to 6 in a horizontal row.
  • You (Player A) will play against the Big Bad Wolf (Player B)
  • Player A chooses any number on the list, as long as it has at least one factor still on the list
  • Player A gets the number they have chosen and the Big Bad Wolf gets all the factors of that number. For example: If player A chooses 4, the Big Bad Wolf would get 1 and 2, since those are the factors of 4 left in the list. Each player keeps track of the numbers they have received in that round.
  • Now Player A chooses another number, knowing that the Big Bad Wolf must get something every time. This means Player A cannot choose a number if no factors of the number remain in the list.
  • When no number in the list has any factors left in the list, the game is over and the Big Bad Wolf gets all the numbers that are left in the list.
  • Add up the numbers. The player with the highest sum wins.
  • Play a second game but switch roles, so Player A is now the Big Bad Wolf.


  • Try using numbers 1 – 10 or 1 – 12
  • Can you find a winning strategy for any string of numbers?
