Answer to Yesterday’s Guess That Estimation:
There are 1,000,000 ants for every person in the world.
Today’s Game: The Chosen One
This is a game for two to four players.
The object of the game:
The goal of the game is to reach a total of one by adding and subtracting. To have collected the most cards when all cards in the deck have been played.
Materials: Deck of cards, Ace worth 11, Jack worth 12, Queen worth 13,
King worth 14
How to Play:
- Deal 2 cards to each player.
- Player one plays a card, states its value and immediately picks up another (*players must hold 2 cards at all times.) The value can be positive or negative eg +5 or –5.
- Player 2 plays a card (6 of clubs) and adds or subtracts it Player 1’s card (5 of diamonds). Player 2 can add to make 11 or subtract to make -1.
- Play continues until a positive 1 is made
- The player who makes positive 1 wins the cards played in that round.
- Play continues until all cards are played
- Once all cards have been played, the player who has collected the most cards wins.
Source: Acing Math
Categories: Elementary