WRDSB schools will continue remote-learning until at least February 10th, 2021. This decision is based on current directions from the Ministry of Education and the advice of public health experts with the intention of slowing the spread of COVID-19. Any further extension to the period of remote learning will be determined by the Ministry of Education and will be communicated closer to the planned return to in-person learning. 

What we know


  • The earliest return to in-person learning is February 11, 2021
  • Updates will be provided by the Ministry of Education and will be communicated to families, students, and staff as soon as they are made available
  • WRDSB schools will continue to be open for in-person instruction for students with complex special education needs
  • Starting January 25, 2021, an additional process to confirm that staff who are working in schools have completed a daily self-screening for COVID-19 will be in place
  • Starting February 11, 2021, an additional process to confirm that secondary students participating in in-person learning have completed a daily screening for COVID-19 will be in place – more details on this process will be forthcoming
  • While the Ministry of Education has enhanced the health and safety measures related to masking requirements for Grades 1-3 students and masking requirements for students while outdoors, these measures are already in place for WRDSB students
  • Child Care Centres will continue to provide programming for children aged 0 to 4 and Emergency Child Care for school-aged children during the extended closure period


Thank you to all our families, students and staff for your continued patience and flexibility. This is not an easy situation to navigate and we are so appreciative of the understanding you have shown throughout this time.


Keeping you informed

Find out what we know as soon as we know it: